This is a fun Friday bloghop for book lovers started by parajunkee.com. I thought I’d pop on by there today and find some new books. Also featured blogger Julie at My Five Monkeys asks If you have a daughter what do you want to read to her? I have a list that I have already started reading both of my girls and I have to say this is one of the best parts of parenting. The reading and sharing the love of the written word. On my list is Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland (future as they aren’t old enough yet) and so far we have worked through: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Delta, Charlotte’s Web, the Life of Pi, The Velveteen Rabbit, Ramona and Beezus. When I was a kid I also loved Heidi, so I suspect I will get to that one soon too. Meanwhile, we are eagerly awaiting the new Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe movie. No, we are not Harry Potter fans here. We enjoy classics and we discover some new amazing authors together too. This week I found Lunch With Lenin, by Deborah Ellis and am now committed to working through her entire collection of books so that I can steer Payton in that direction soon. Ellis writes novels that are socially aware and that tackle global issues like Aids and poverty and drugs. I even found a reference to FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) in the recent Lunch With Lenin.