Jane and The Raven King is by Stephen Chambers, Sourcebooks, Jabberwocky, published last month Dec. 2010, $6.99 US and $8.99 Canadian, paperback, 256 pages.
My full written review is at New York Journal of Books.
This one gets five $$$$$ out of $$$$$. We thoroughly loved this character and her quest to save the world. Great strong plot and compelling adventure fantasy fiction for ages nine to 12.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
They did a fantastic job. P sounds so grown-up and professional. It was interesting to see what each one of the girls liked/picked up on.
Great review. I wonder if my 8 year old boy would like it. He loves reading Diary of Whimpy Kid and Magic Treehouse.
I stopped by from Java’s and I am your new follower over 40,lol.